Saturday, November 28, 2009

Preds Declaw Panthers 4-1 at the Nashville Arena; SPC Eats Hot Chicken In Space.


I sent out a "tweet" tonight stating I was representing Section: Prince's Hot Chicken Shack.  Having not had the time to hang out with my gal in weeks - our work schedules never allowing more than an hour to see one another before sleep - and tonight being the last day off I have in awhile, I made the choice to forfeit my ticket for this evening's game...which ended up being rather amazing in the 3rd as I looked down at my Sportacular iPhone app a few moments ago.

The night consisted of Prince's Hot Chicken and watching 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time and on Blu-Ray to boot. Needless to say, in retrospect I would have liked to have seen that 3rd period over 2001, but nothing in the arena can beat out a good piece of hot chicken and seasoned fries.  What?  I'm from the South.

I can't wait to read what PredsOnTheGlass or OnTheForecheck has to say about tonight's game, I just wish I could tell you as well.  Ah well - next time I'll sneak a piece of Prince's in with me and it'll be a match made in heaven: hot chicken and ice hockey.


1 comment:

  1. And this whole time I was thinking You could be a harsh critic of the home team. This Panthers blog ( has you beat hands down. I almost feel sort of bad for them.
